The second edition of This Quar's War, redone completely from the ground up! Plus Quar in 15mm are completely resculpted too!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
All the PDFs!
over 2 years ago
– Fri, Oct 28, 2022 at 09:38:26 AM is up and running! It's thin on detail right now, mostly placeholder, but its the right place to deliver:
The PDFs for TQW:The Long War, unit cards, army rosters and army life cards are all at Rhyfler in the Rulebooks section. All are free to download!
Also, the TQW:The Long War physical book, unit cards, army rosters and army life cards are done and finally printed!
The art/history book Western Iron is done and about to be sent off to print. But the near-final PDF is also available at now!
Once I get the printed copies of Western Iron back I'll be sending out all of these printed bits and any models I may have not had ready during the first wave of shipments before the rules were done.
Apologies for this massive delay. I've learned a lot and have a much better plan for the future!
Rules and Covers!
almost 3 years ago
– Thu, Apr 21, 2022 at 02:43:26 PM
Hey all!
Super rough layout of the rules doc. Not final art or layout, but near final rules. Send notes on typos, grammar or whatever else you like.
Below are the nearly final covers for both books as well!
Near Final Rules PDF!
about 3 years ago
– Mon, Mar 07, 2022 at 03:06:11 PM
Here are links to the near final TQW 2.0 Rules and Stats. This version is already in layout for the final book and is nearly done and ready for a test print. Wanted to share the PDF files for folks to look over and sanity check. Thanks!
December 2021 Update
about 3 years ago
– Wed, Dec 29, 2021 at 03:04:04 PM
Hey all!
Am I way behind on these books? I am. Zachary Walter was able to make a big push on final rules design this summer to get a complete set of rules and Andrew Walters then came in to finish up final development. Here is a link to the newly revised and almost final rules and some stats.
The covid and other major life delays to the rules forced all the bits that relied on the finished rules to also fall behind. I didn’t want to create cards and miniature markers, etc in case they needed changes once the rules were finalized. Good thing! Because they do. All unit cards and the mission and life decks have layout and have final art and I’ve started the passes at stat fixes to align them with the updated rules. These should be ready relatively soon.
I was holding off on some of the order fixes and pre-orders hoping that I would only need to ship one more time once the books and cards were done. I started shipping models to those folks again in the last few weeks anyway to avoid further delay and will ship books/cards/markers once those are manufactured.
For the second book, Western Iron, which is now nearly 240 pages long as I edit back and forth, I’m including a link for several of the chapters from the middle. Little things to fix such as spelling, missing page numbers and other layout bits, but this one will be done and ready for print and final PDF in the next month.
In the meantime I’ve also streamlined operations. I’ll be doing all the sculpting, moldmaking, casting, art, layout, etc. Anthony will sanity check me on layout, provide some painted minis as the need arises and continue to be a sounding board. Andrew will continue to write some rules and playtest with me. I’ll primarily be a one-man shop from here on.
To free up time for me to concentrate on all the stuff I want to get done for you guys I’ve moved most of the contract casting we used to do to Mindworm Games and Benson Green in Louisiana. Project: AH! and the new and future War of Ashes models have all gone to high quality 3d prints instead of pewter, which is faster and easier for me. I’ll still continue to do metal, especially for 15s, Tusk and Sabre and legacy models. I’ll also keep selling STLs via patreon and through myminifactory and minihoarder.
The second Quar 15mm kickstarter prep has not been idle. At night when I’m not casting or playtesting I’ve been sculpting for Hearth and Home, the next 15mm world book. I’ve finished nearly 200 new infantry models and almost two dozen new vehicles. These are all new factions, additions to the first 6 and the custom factions form the first kickstarter. (The first two of which I am about to ship to those backers.) The current 15s should be on the website soon as well once I finish getting the make-up/missing models out.
Some Militia from Hearth and Home
Then, and not to be a tease, I’ll have some stuff that folks have been asking for forever to announce, a little bit of rebranding and some surprises!
I appreciate you bearing with us. Getting this thing done under the circumstances has been a giant weight on me and it’s almost there. That should open everything else up and we can get moving again!
Western Iron Sample Chapter
over 3 years ago
– Sat, Sep 04, 2021 at 10:51:34 AM
Hello everyone.
I've been hard at work laying out the Western Iron setting book while major updates have been done to the rulebook. I'll be posting an update soon for the rules as well. Both books should be available in "near final" PDF form close to the end of the month then we will do some final polish and send them off to the printers. The full setting book is over 200 pages, our longest book yet. There are nearly 300 new pieces of art!
Today I wanted to share the Coftyran chapter from the setting book. It will be getting a final spelling/grammar pass, and the page numbers have "footer" as a stand-in for now. Take a look!