
This Quar's War - Second Edition!

Created by Joshua Qualtieri

The second edition of This Quar's War, redone completely from the ground up! Plus Quar in 15mm are completely resculpted too!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

May 1st Update!
about 4 years ago – Tue, May 05, 2020 at 10:53:58 PM

Yeah, yeah. It ain't May 1st. Apologies!


A quick peak at the Crusader Heavy Shotgunners. Building the special HSG backpacks now and then will do spotters. Second are some Crusader Tractor Crew for the Raewyr Tractor.


Something I didn't think of... That now I am!

Most command teams have variants of the Standard Bearer, Musicians, etc. I didn't give the option to pick those during the kickstarter. So, all command teams will come with all available variants for kickstarter backers. There aren't an equal number of variants across all factions, but hey, free figures! When they go up on the webstore I'll probably divide them out.

A Plea

Only a few more days to fill out your pledges! Please do!

April 24th Update!
about 4 years ago – Sat, Apr 25, 2020 at 09:55:23 PM

Some Production:

No new models to show off this week. I worked on a bunch but didn't finish them up. (I'm not behind, don't worry!) I did get a pile of art done. Here are some Fidwoggers:

Started production on the resin models yesterday!


It has also come to my attention that the $1 pledge is forcing a shipping charge in backerkit. Backerkit confuses me and I don't see an immediate fix, except to credit you $7 for "shipping" so you can close-out backerkit. Let me know if you need that! If you are using that $1 pledge as a placeholder to add items in backerkit, then it all works correctly!

See you soon!

April 17th Update!
about 4 years ago – Sat, Apr 18, 2020 at 11:06:13 AM

Figures first:

First, lots of work on the Creevish Trench Watch this week! The first image is a bunch of Trench Watch Cavalry and below that is a Grenadier.

Trench Watch Cavalry
Grenadier (Got to fix that thumb!)

Backerkit Stuff:

If you want multiple armies BUT NOT multiple sets of the books message me. I will credit back $40 per set of books in backerkit.

Fill out your backerkit surveys! 

about 4 years ago – Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 10:31:56 PM

Backerkit surverys are about to go!

Holler at us if there are issues! I know there will be. There will be things I missed or that aren't clear. I need to add better generic photos to some of the things that don't have photos.

Backerkit doesn't charge until I hit a big red button and lock everything down. I'll probably do that mid-May. So once in there you will have time to figure out what you need. 

A collection of army list info link below, stats are coming!

I'll be opening it up as a preorder site for folks that missed the campaign as well!

Design-a-Faction is underway for two of them with the rest to follow shortly. I am only able to do a couple of these at a time!

about 4 years ago – Tue, Apr 14, 2020 at 04:50:09 PM

Backerkit is setup and has been reviewed by the folks there. I am about to send out the smoke test. This means a few of you will get your surveys and access to the add-ons. You are randomly selected, if you are, please, if you can, run through it in the next day or two so we can open it to everyone!

There will be things I missed or that aren't clear. I need to add better generic photos to some of the things that don't have photos.

Backerkit doesn't charge until I hit a big red button and lock everything down. I'll probably do that mid-May. So once in there you will have time to figure out what you need. I'll also open it up to new folks to pledge as well. More on that when we go live for real!