
This Quar's War - Second Edition!

Created by Joshua Qualtieri

The second edition of This Quar's War, redone completely from the ground up! Plus Quar in 15mm are completely resculpted too!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Almost there!
over 4 years ago – Sat, Mar 21, 2020 at 09:52:38 PM

The campaign is almost there! The activation coins are unlocked! Alykinder would be proud... or disappointed depending on where your loyalties lie!

I think we will hold off on anymore unlocks if that's ok with you all? The shelter-in-place we have been under for a bit here has me behind on sculpting and design. It changed the nature of a bunch of our jobs and some other stuff as we caught up to a new way of working. Anyhow, all of us around the world are going through it! I don't want to put up stretch goals of figures with no images.

So, what I will do is the more money we bring in here, and in backer kit afterward,the more I will start adding some free stuff to every backer's pledge. In the form of figures that match the pledge contents but also some other stuff I want to do: in-world Alwyd postcards, some small maps and some other stuff I can put into the boxes as they go out.

Also, as we have mentioned, we plan another kickstarter once this one fills the end of summer. So we can also add some of the things we wanted to do in this campaign to that one!

This would make a great postcard!

Faction Focus: Arnyara
over 4 years ago – Fri, Mar 20, 2020 at 11:07:11 PM

Troop movements 1780 & 1781.

Name: Greater Arnyara

Military: Foskyldae

Population: 29,877,000

Capital: Glasda

Nationality: Arnyaran(s) (noun)
      Arnyaran (adj)

Climate: Arid desert; narrow temperate rainforest between mountains and the Goseth Ocean. Very little arable land. 

Terrain: Mountainous coast, otherwise unstable altiplanos, arroyos and generally rugged landscape. 

Notes of Interest: Of all the places on Alwyd to live, Arnyara is easily the worst. Scarce water, heavily alkali soil, and generally unstable ground renders much of the country extremely inhospitable. Despite these shortcomings, the Arnyarans have found a way to live there, and to even thrive. Since long-term habitation of an area is essentially impossible, the Arnyarans have adopted a nomadic lifestyle, always moving from one area to another as the seasons and local conditions dictate. Many Arnyarans have taken this approach even farther, spending years if not decades moving along long-established trading routes across the Continent. 

Recent History:  While the invasion of Creevin and Coftyr may have caught all of Alwyd by surprise, the Arnyarans have spent decades in secret preparations. Their plans may have taken a slight detour once the Crusade started, especially after their annexation by Alykinder’s puppets in 1767, but their collective will and desire for revenge never wavered. Foreign occupation may have complicated some aspects of their plotting and planning, but as long as Bul Maren did not halt the flow of Arnyaran tea - and the caravans that carried them all around Lake Morandi - their plans continued to proceed. Some have observed that this was a gross oversight by the Crusader authorities in Western Arnyara and Maer Braech, and argue further that the continued inaction by Campryg Loeck and the Crusaders against the Arnyaran aggressors can only mean the Croesgadwr is complicit in the invasion, but to the quar in the path of the Iron Houses, such words mean nothing. All they know is that Arnyara is on the move, and they are in the way.

Traditionally thought of as merchants. Arnyarans drive great "land trains" around Alwyd from town to town selling and trading and putting on shows. Arnyaran merchants might be out traveling for a decade before coming back home. On their travels they will trade in information and know more about Alwyd's politics and goings on than even the most attended Royal Court.

“Towns” in Western Arnyara are always in flux. They are often made of dozens of family groups of Iron Houses. Families are continually coming and going so the towns are always on the move and change in size and population.

Pattern Weapons

Due to the secret nature of the Western Arnyaran lead up to their invasion mass weapon production was done in secret. Manufacturing of arms and ammunition is spread throughout the countryside using blacksmiths, Iron House upkeep garages, machine shops within iron houses and in every nook and cranny available. To keep weapons and equipment universal and compatible despite the diffuse manufacturing a set of universal schematics and plans were drawn up early on, meticulously copied and spread to loyal families of the Inisflaeg Arnyara.

MAR Pattern SMG

The MAR is a select-fire open bolt design with a stamped receiver. It fires a 7x26mm round and utilizes either a 30 round or 10 round magazine. The MAR is the most reliable of the Pattern weapons in the Arnyaran arsenal. The days of the Noddfae armed with a mix of rifles from across Alwyd are a thing of the past. As the offensive has continued on the Arnyaran’s personal weapons have been replaced by these mass-produced and reliable weapons.

GREE Pattern Pistol

The GREE is a 5 cylinder single-action revolver. It fires a 9.5mm round and has a snub-nosed barrel. Originally intended to defend the internal workings of an Iron House if boarded it is increasingly used by the cadres of Noddfae so they may also carry the Hynflaed Blades as they bring the fight to their enemies in close.

KEEGY Pattern Heavy Rifle

The KEEGY is a 20mm semi-automatic heavy rifle. The KEEGY was originally designed to accept the same magazines used in the Crusade R4 Ryshi rifles. While these magazines do work they are a constant cause of feed failures and consequently if using an R4 magazine only 4 or 5 rounds are loaded. A magazine of purely Arnyaran design has recently entered production and is making its way to the front as fast as they can be delivered by autocycle or cadier. This new magazine is an improvement even over the R4’s and requires only a slight modification to the KEEGY’s receiver.

Note: Evetually Iron Houses will have good Quar names! Really trying not to bury everyone under new words!

Only a couple days left!
over 4 years ago – Thu, Mar 19, 2020 at 09:26:36 PM

Images of some newly finished up models, physical and digital:

Fidwog Morfyd test print
Coftyran and Crusader Cavalry Command

Here is the first pass at the Easky grenadier rig I finished up today. Lots of big tube charges for blowin' stuff up:

Here is the rough Taru model for scale. The Taru will be getting a lot more detail! The Creevish Taru models will tow a wagon for troops or supplies. The generic Taru models can be kitted out however you like! The Taru and any kit and wagon will be resin models.

Rough taru model for scale.

Also... did you know there is a private facebook group for Quar? You can find it here:

If that link doesn't work, because sometimes I am technology challenged... look for Quar Discussion on facebook.

Faction Focus: Arnyara soon!

Faction Focus: Maer Braech
over 4 years ago – Wed, Mar 18, 2020 at 11:35:51 PM

The Crusader State of Maer Braech

Military: Croesgadwr

Population: 51,725,000

Capital: Solvik

Nationality: Maer Braechi (both noun and adjective)

Climate: warm with mild winters adjacent to Lake Morandi; hotter, drier to the north and west, with harsh winters otherwise. 

Terrain: Grasslands and Prairie central; hills south and west; semiarid, rocky desert north and east. Morandi shoreline rocky, often with high cliffs. 

Notes of Interest: Since it’s liberation by the Crusade from the cruel yoke of Coftyran oppression, Maer Braech has seen her population explode and her infrastructure improve dramatically. No longer are her kits and levies delivered to the First Families in Crynn’t to be frittered away and wasted. Recent years of leadership by Campryg - “the Marshal In the West”  - Loeck has also seen Maer Braech reassume her long-neglected role as military powerhouse of the prairies, extending her influence far abroad. 

Recent History: At the height of the Crusade’s power, Maer Braech was the keystone of Alykinder’s plans for the Western Theater. Catrawds by the thousand were billeted there, and from there marched on and conquered Western Arnyara, Creevin, and the northern kingdoms. Since the Waess Revolt of 1773, however, the Western Theater has bogged down into a long line of stalemates. Foremost among those is Coftyr, but there is sustained fighting in a half-dozen states and kingdoms. That situation has grown even more dire after the breakout of the Arnyarans and their Iron Houses. Arnyara’s inexorable advance across Creevin has threatened the already tenuous supply and communications lines connecting Maer Braech and Leitrom and beyond. Campryg Loeck has made strengthening Maer Braech his highest priority, but without direct assistance from Bul Maren and the eastern Crusader states, some have begun to wonder how long even he can keep the revolutionaries and insurrectionists at bay?

New Crusader Armament - As the Crusade has ground on armies across Alwyd have been forced to adapt politically, technologically and to modify their combat doctrine to match the speed and ferocity of the Crusader military machine.

The Crusade itself has not been immune to these rapid changes. One such change has modified the organization and methods of fighting of the basic rhyfler company: The Splagen Torpedo.

As the crusade has become increasingly about maneuver and rapid advance the mortar teams of the company weapon squad became increasingly pooled into mortar batteries from many companies to support large scale advances. This was finally formalized in newly raised catrawds as a mortar company separate from the rhyfler companies. At the same time the new Splagen was deployed as a replacement to the mortars in Crusader weapon squads giving each company some much needed anti-tractor armament. This has been increasingly important as the Arnyaran incursion in the west has gained ground.

over 4 years ago – Tue, Mar 17, 2020 at 05:31:19 PM

Iron Houses, unlocked! They are on the add-on list

I also went ahead and unlocked the Crusader Scout Wagon and added it to the sheet. You guys move too fast!

Our next goal:

$16,000 Activation Coins - We'll make a set of "in-world" Quar coins. These coins may be used instead of activation cards during play. If anyone has seen the War of Ashes coins or Kami Tale coins, they will be similar to those! As an add-on they will be $12 for a set.

Faction Focus: Crusaders in the next 24hrs.